การติดตั้ง Software CSCS (TIMPANO F80 / Elipse Version)
- Type 1 : New Installation from Windows
- Installation Windows Version (XP-Pro , 7-Pro)
- Initial Setting for New Computer
- Setup windows Environment
- User Account (Add Default User for CSCS Project)
- Time Zone
- Regional Setting (English US type , Date format = dd/MM/yyyy)
- Computer Name Setup
- IP address Setup
- Power Option Setup (Prevent Sleep Harddisk and Turn-Off Monitor for CPM for 30 Minutes , LUI for for 2 Hr.)
- Windows Firewall Setup
- Setup Windows Autologin
- Drive Setup (C:\ and D:\)
- Folder Setup (Name and Sharing)
- Setup windows Environment
- Config TimeSync
- Installation and Config TARDIS2000 (for NTP Server/Client)
- Additional Tools Software.
- PDF reader (for open pdf manual file)
- Filezilla (for FTP feature)
- Zip tool (PEAzip)
- Wireshark
- Notepad++ (for Text Edit tools)
- Remote Support Tools
- Teamviewer (v.12 Only)
- Setup Remote Desktop